DAFC Scouting Database

Web Site Updates

The server has been upgraded recently. There was an access issue which has now been resolved . Feb 2022.

views: 521

The main function of this web site is for DAFC to provide a secure dynamic database system for the scouting and recruitment of players.

The system has been set up to suit our club’s unique specific needs and can be accessed remotely. All of our users have set administration rights allowing access to relevant areas.

The platform will allow Player Reports and Match Reports to be added. Once this information is added, the DAFC Management Team are then able to search for players with certain abilities, skill and level.

FOR SCOUTING REPORTS (once logged in) please click on the Add Player Report link and follow the onscreen instructions, ensuring all sections are completed.

Please refer to the Help link if required.

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Web Site Updates

The server has been upgraded recently. There was an access issue which has now been resolved . Feb 2022.

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